Olivia de Revel - interior designer

Olivia de Revel , interior designer and founder of her own firm
is in the spotlight of our newsletter this month.

Olivia de Revel trained in interior architecture at the Hourdé school, where she obtained her ESAT diploma in 2010.

Once she graduated, Olivia started by working in Parisian agencies and then very quickly the requests from her family and friends made her want to stand out on her own. This is how Olivia opened her own practice.

Why do you love your job?

Each project is unique, and therefore very exciting. The idea of ​​designing spaces that will bring out the personality of their occupants is my primary objective. Show me your apartment and I'll tell you who you are...

I also like to redesign spaces so that they adapt to new uses linked to the evolution of our society such as the generalization of teleworking and the need to have an office area, the open kitchen or closed kitchen dilemma or even respond to the needs of growing children.

What style of interior designer are you?

Listening and persuasive, relaxed but serious!

Acquiring and renovating a new apartment or house is often an emotional moment for clients, and this can cause them stress. It's my responsibility to make these moments as serene and fluid as possible.

I like mixtures of styles , combinations of colors and patterns that make the walls vibrate and make the interiors come alive. Plus, if possible, a little touch of decadence.

With clients, I value their desires, and use my experience to guide them towards solutions they would not have thought of.

What drives you on a daily basis?

What I like about this job is that at every stage of the project there are exciting moments!

When designing, sometimes the most risky and original proposals are those that clients love immediately, and certain color and material combinations arise like epiphanies.
Then when the work is underway, it is very satisfying to see things come to fruition, or even be modified in situ with one detail to be highlighted rather than another.

Finally, the construction site problems that inevitably arise always end up being resolved and transformed into anecdotes that I collect preciously.
Where do you draw your inspiration?
Inspiration can come from anywhere, and depending on the criteria and tastes of customers it is important to constantly nourish yourself with new things, or to return to the essentials.
The idea is to try not to succumb to the trends that flourish on social networks. Interior architecture is an intervention that must be lasting to take place over a long period of time and that is not entirely in keeping with the ephemeral side of a story.

At the moment I really like the work of the photographer duo Elsa and Johanna who are their own models and stage themselves in existing settings which inspire them.
How would you describe your collaborations with Little Cabari?
Colorful, delicate and fun! The quality of the patterns and illustrations are interesting to work with and coordinate with different paint and texture combinations. Customers are often won over by the refreshing style of little cabari’s illustrations.
“This is how I bring light around me. I add color, again and again, color, it makes places happy, as if they were sunny ” India Mahdavi.


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